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Outreach and science communication 

Blanquemiento Coralino

date . January 6th, 2017

media . Noticias ONU (radio)

by .  Laura Quiñones


"Coral bleaching: An imminent threat to the planet"  is a short radio interview I did for UN radio (only in Spanish, sorry) about the significance of the study "Local-scale projections of coral reef futures and implications of the Paris Agreement " by Ruben van Hooidonk et al. (2016)



"Research heats up"  is an article published in English and Spanish by TRóPICOS, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Magazine. This article highlights some of our work in Panama during the 2015-16 ENSO event.



Research heats-up

date . September 2015

media . TRóPICOS (Magazine)

by . Sean Mattson


dates . November 2015 September 2017

places . Cozumel (Mexico) Kralendijk (Bonaire)

by . Ana Palacio


In the Coral Reef Ecology Workshop Series (CREWS), scuba scuba divers and marine biologists participate of a week long workshop in which diving and classes are combined to learn about the ocean. During the 2015 workshop I taught Coral Biology and Symbiosis in Coral Reefs. In 2017 I taught about Bonaire’s coral reefs and Ocean Conservation. 


"Coral rescue at Port of Miami"  is a short video that shows the operation to rescue thousands of coral colonies around the Port of Miami that were being buried by sediment during the dredging of the port. This work was coordinated by the University of Miami Coral Reef Futures Lab, but a lot of other people helped! 




Coral rescue at Port of Miami

Coral rescue at Port of Miami

date . June 6th, 2014

media . YouTube (Video)

by .  Ana Palacio

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